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NGOs and Private Sector Combine Efforts for a “Sustainability” Gallery Targeting the Youth

NGOs and Private Sector Combine Efforts for a “Sustainability” Gallery Targeting the Youth

A permanent sustainable living gallery at Tzu Chi Humanistic Youth Centre is set to officially open this month on 30 July 2023. The gallery is a culmination of the efforts of many parties, including non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and companies from the private sector.

Humanistic Culture, Env. Protection, Miscellaneous | Tzu-Chi Foundation

How does Cheah Lee Hwa “decode” the act of apologising to students?

How does Cheah Lee Hwa “decode” the act of apologising to students?

300 people gathered at Tzu Chi Humanistic Youth Centre for a sharing by Ms Cheah, Head of the Humanistic Culture Department at Taiwan’s Tzu Chi University of Science and Technology, where she shared her teaching experiences and interpretation of a “happy life”.

Humanistic Culture | Tzu-Chi Foundation

Co-working Space Serves as Platform to Foster Mutual Support

Co-working Space Serves as Platform to Foster Mutual Support

The path of social entrepreneurs is known to be one fraught with challenges and obstacles. However, the presence of the co-working space at Tzu Chi Humanistic Youth Centre (HYC) has helped alleviate the difficulties . . .

Humanistic Culture, Miscellaneous | Tzu-Chi Foundation

Tonic for Seniors’ Body and Mind

Tonic for Seniors’ Body and Mind

Gym Tonic at Tzu Chi is more than just physical exercise for the seniors. Through the dedicated efforts of the staff, they have experienced great warmth and even picked up useful learning pointers about life.

Medicine, Humanistic Culture | Tzu-Chi Foundation

Integrating Tzu Chi’s Philosophy into Corporate Culture

Integrating Tzu Chi’s Philosophy into Corporate Culture

Besides making profits, can a corporate become a place that encourages spiritual growth? An entrepreneur, Teo Siew Leng, hoped to make her laundry factory a platform to gather good thoughts and spread kindness by saving energy and reducing carbon emissions, promoting a plant-based diet, and introducing Tzu Chi to more people.

Humanistic Culture | Tzu-Chi Foundation

Unsung Frontline Heroes Touched by Care from Tzu Chi Volunteers

Unsung Frontline Heroes Touched by Care from Tzu Chi Volunteers

For a period of almost a month from 12 October 2021 to 8 November 2021, three to five Tzu Chi volunteers have been diligently making their way to Chia Ping Community Isolation Facility (CIF) each morning. In a bid to provide support to frontline healthcare workers . . .

Medicine, Humanistic Culture | Tzu-Chi Foundation

Tzu Chi Volunteers Come Together to Bring Life to COVID-19 Treatment Facility at F1 Pit Building

Tzu Chi Volunteers Come Together to Bring Life to COVID-19 Treatment Facility at F1 Pit Building

Several facilities across Singapore have been re-designated to house infected patients due to the increase in COVID-19 community cases in recent times. With the F1 Pit Building the latest to be converted to a COVID-19 Treatment Facility (CTF) for elderly patients, Tzu Chi volunteers . . .

Medicine, Humanistic Culture | Tzu-Chi Foundation

A Café like No Other

A Café like No Other

An insight into Jing Si Books and Cafe; uncovering what differentiates it from the other cafés out there.

Humanistic Culture | Tzu-Chi Foundation

The Enticing Sushi from the Fridge

The Enticing Sushi from the Fridge

A creative cooking competition involving parents and children was held at Tzu Chi Humanistic Youth Centre on April 17, 2021, to promote vegetarianism.

Humanistic Culture, Env. Protection | Tzu-Chi Foundation

Tzu Chi Singapore Entrepreneur Association in Actions

Tzu Chi Singapore Entrepreneur Association in Actions

Members of Tzu Chi Singapore Entrepreneur Association visit local companies to spread kindness and introduce Tzu Chi to more people.

Humanistic Culture | Tzu-Chi Foundation

The blossoming of Tzu Chi’s great love in South Africa

The blossoming of Tzu Chi’s great love in South Africa

Through mutual assistance and love among South African volunteers, they helped rebuild the homes of the disaster victims and keep the love going in Africa.

Humanistic Culture | Tzu-Chi Foundation

Tzu Chi Humanistic Youth Centre — “For YOUth, by Youth”

Tzu Chi Humanistic Youth Centre — “For YOUth, by Youth”

Tzu Chi Humanistic Youth Centre, the first of its kind in the world, has been officially inaugurated. The centre is a multifunctional learning platform for modern youths and offers a wide range of holistic programmes and activities to help young people...

Education, Humanistic Culture | Tzu-Chi Foundation

A Moving Charity Performance—“Do Not Be the Last Bearer of the Dharma”

A Moving Charity Performance—“Do Not Be the Last Bearer of the Dharma”

With the aim of spreading the Dharma through drama, the “Great Dharma Master Zhizhe” Charity Performance depicted the moving and inspiring life story of Zhi Yi, an eminent monk in ancient China. The Founder of the Tiantai tradition, the Dharma master...

Humanistic Culture | Tzu-Chi Foundation

The Greatest Blessing Comes from Giving Unconditionally

The Greatest Blessing Comes from Giving Unconditionally

Two of Tzu Chi’s Honorary Board Members shared their inspiring stories with fellow members at their first Appreciation Ceremony. One of them is a wealthy entrepreneur, while the other is an elderly lady who lives a frugal life...

Humanistic Culture | Tzu-Chi Foundation

Businesses as Instruments of Love and Charity

Businesses as Instruments of Love and Charity

A team of ten Tzu Chi volunteers arrived in Times Software Pte Ltd after office hours on a work day, to share the joys and benefits of giving in Tzu Chi, inspiring love and charity in the company’s staff.

Humanistic Culture | Tzu-Chi Foundation

Opening Our Hearts to Embrace a Greater Love for Humanity

Opening Our Hearts to Embrace a Greater Love for Humanity

Three seasoned Tzu Chi volunteers from Taiwan were invited to share their inspiring life experiences with an audience at Tzu Chi Singapore’s Jing Si Hall. They encouraged everyone to don the Tzu Chi uniform and...

Humanistic Culture | Tzu-Chi Foundation

Supporting the Propagation of Great Love

Supporting the Propagation of Great Love

A delegate from Tzu Chi’s Da Ai TV in Taiwan visited Singapore to share about the TV station’s missions and objectives, and invited everyone to join the efforts in supporting the TV station...

Humanistic Culture | Tzu-Chi Foundation

Entrepreneurs Re-discover the Wellspring of Joy

Entrepreneurs Re-discover the Wellspring of Joy

After having enjoyed the fruits of their toils in the vanity of worldly success for over 10 years, two highly successful entrepreneurs, Lin Xiao Shi and Guo Jing De, realized that there is something happier than just making money……

Humanistic Culture | Tzu-Chi Foundation