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Duration | 2:07

Category | Env. Protection

Organisation | Tzu-Chi Foundation (Singapore)

Youths Strive Towards Zero Waste

According to research, a staggering 2,640 plastic bags are being discarded in Singapore every 3 seconds. To raise environmental awareness among the younger generations, Youth Corps Singapore held a large-scale environmental event at the Tzu Chi Humanistic Youth Centre. The event, which was attended by 130 youths, allowed the attendees to learn about environmental protection through a series of activities, including talks, the making of ecological bricks and a visit to the Tzu Chi Eco-Awareness Centre.

Singapore has designated 2019 as the Year Towards Zero Waste. Youth Corps Singapore held an environmental event at the Tzu Chi Humanistic Youth Centre, which saw the attendance of some 130 environmentally conscious young people.

The activities are carried out at different “stations”, which allow the participants to learn about Singapore’s environmental issues from different perspectives. They also have a go at making ecological bricks, to play a part for the environment.

Ong Kah Kuang, Executive Director, Youth Corps Singapore: We organise this event to raise awareness about sustainability, in this case, (it is) environment sustainability, so that more youths can do something to create a better environment for us that is more sustainable for the future.

The participants have come to the Tzu Chi Eco-Awareness Centre. The various information and statistics on the environmental issue help them to more deeply sense the urgency to protect the environment. 

Wong Su Wen, Participant: We throw plastic products on the beach. If we pollute the sea, (the fish will eat the trash). They are then caught for our consumption and we will indirectly eat the trash. This has struck me very deeply and inspired me to make an effort to protect the environment.

Kenneth Yeo, Participant: I think what we can do as an individual is to reduce consumption to spread awareness, and also to think of innovative solutions to address the consumption issues in Singapore, and hopefully, the world.

The journey towards Zero Waste is a long one. We hope that more young people will join the environmental cause and work together to protect Mother Earth.

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