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Duration | 2:30

Category | Miscellaneous

Organisation | Tzu-Chi Foundation (Singapore)

Prepared for the worst with a Business Continuity Plan

Tzu Chi Singapore has launched a business continuity plan in response to the new coronavirus epidemic by appointing a BCP manager and an Epidemic Relief Committee to make proper arrangements to ensure the sustainability of its operation. Besides staff and volunteers, Jing Si Hall is also visited by members who came forth to make donations at the finance department, students who attend classes and visitors during weekdays, therefore, necessary measures are implemented to prevent the spread of the disease. Jing Si Hall had also carried out a two-week business continuity exercise where staff were divided into two groups to work at different locations to not only adapt to a change in the work mode but also gather issues encountered during the exercise for further improvement and to be prepared for an official implementation of the BCP in mid-March. The entire plan will continue until the DORSCON level in Singapore is lowered to yellow alert.

Is working from home part of your life now?

As the epidemic continues to spread, various companies and organizations in Singapore have started to implement their business continuity plans (BCP). Tzu Chi has followed suit by appointing a BCP manager and an epidemic relief committee to monitor the epidemic situation and make corresponding arrangements to reduce the spreading of the disease.

Tzu Chi General Manager cum BCP Manager, Keng Lim:This (epidemic) has prompted us to be prepared so that we will able to operate without being disrupted at times of emergency. We can carry on with what we do as usual no matter who we are dealing with.

The foundation cannot afford to be careless in its preventive measures at Jing Si Hall as it receives many visitors daily. Plans formulated according to the government’s policies are in place to prevent the disease from spreading.  

The side gate is locked to leave only one opening for entry and exit. Volunteers must wait at a designated waiting area to submit their donation sheet as the office is locked all day. An isolation room for resting is prepared for people with mild symptoms.

General Affair staff cum Epidemic Relief committee member, Pok Siew Chin:We are doing all these to protect everyone, we are making sure that the premise is safe for our volunteers, staff and donors to enter.

At the end of February, the foundation had also conducted a two-week business continuous exercise where staff are arranged to work at different locations. Besides needing to solve technical issues like computers, online network, and system operation and file operations, communication turned out to be a challenge as well. By compiling and solving various issues faced by the staff during the exercise, the BCP is finally ready to be implemented in mid-March.

Tzu Chi General Manager cum BCP manager, Keng Lim:We will split our staff into team A and team B, those with similar job scope will have to be separated, so that our daily operation will not be affected if ever someone from either of the team falls sick.

The business continuity plan will be carried out until the DORSCON is lowered to yellow alert. The best way to protect everyone is to be vigilant and be prepared to face with any situation.

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