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Duration | 2:06

Category | Miscellaneous

Organisation | Tzu-Chi Foundation (Singapore)

Entrepreneurs share personal experiences online amid COVID-19

COVID-19 has brought unprecedented impact on people and businesses. Members of Tzu Chi Singapore Entrepreneur Association has invited experts, scholars and well-known entrepreneurs to share on topics related to Singapore’s policies in tackling the pandemic, discussing the impact of the crisis on economy and sharing of personal experiences. The aim of having this online seminar and sharing session is to boost the confidence of entrepreneurs so as to overcome this difficult period together.  

Lim Hock Chee : You can’t control people’s mind, what you can do is to groom yourself and become a role model to others.

Through the lens, the CEO of a well-known supermarket retailing chain, Lim Hock Chee shared how he started his retail business.

Lim Hock Chee :People talk about the need to maintain calmness. When you are calm, you will be able to think properly. You can't think of anything when you are impulsive.

Using a mode different from the previous book sharing sessions, Tzu Chi Singapore Entrepreneur Association invited experts, scholars and entrepreneurs to talk about the current issues online. Without seat limitation, the seven sharing sessions that ran over two weeks attracted more than 4,700 people to watch it online.

Tzu Chi volunteer, Goh Lam Kia: The thought of having these sessions was because many of our entrepreneurs have to stop doing business during the pandemic. The changing government policies had also led to many feeling lost. Our entrepreneur members thought that holding such online seminars during this period would be helpful to strengthen the confidence of our entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneur, Low Boon Seong: As leaders, we should understand the plight of our staff during the disaster mitigation period

The sharing sessions covered topics like how Singapore’s pandemic policy is impacting the economy and business operations as well as sharing of personal experiences. Apart from exchanging experience and knowledge, people/participants were also cheering each other up.

Maxim Kang Moi Sim: Member of Tzu Chi Singapore Entrepreneur Association, Maxim Kang Moi Sim

My business is in the service line, so, I can’t run my business. My revenue is almost zero. I believe that sharing sessions like these can help inspire many. I feel that, as a leader, I must take care of myself, this is a basic requirement.

Migrant Workers' Centre Chairman, Yeo Guat Kwang: No matter which industry you are in, we are all in this disaster together, we need (to have everyone working together to overcome this crisis.

The pandemic may have disrupted our lifestyle and routine, however, by making good use of technology and learning to face the crisis with positive thinking, we can overcome these difficult times together.

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