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Duration | 2:00

Category | Charity, Education

Organisation | Tzu-Chi Foundation (Singapore)

Tzu Chings turn tutors to assist students with their schoolwork

In line with the Circuit Breaker measures in Singapore, schools started implementing Home Based Learning (HBL) since 8 April. However, not every child has the privilege of having a suitable learning environment and equipment at home to adapt to HBL. In view of this, Tzu Chings took advantage of the mid-year school holidays to help the children of Tzu Chi care recipients with their homework and help solve their problems in their studies for short term.

Cassandra Ee:
Because HBL makes the whole class go a little bit slower, I worry that if cannot revise properly before the PSLE.

As part of the preventive measures to curb COVID-19, students in Singapore had done Home Based Learning for a month since April.

During the mid-year school holidays that was brought forward, Tzu Chings assisted the children of Tzu Chi care recipients with their schoolwork online.

Tzu Ching contact person, Gan Ming De:
When schooling goes into HBL mode, it is difficult for low income parents to coach their children to complete their schoolwork. We hope that these Tzu Chings are able to help these students with their schoolwork. At least they could help them to cope with their studies for short term.

Not just Chinese, English, Mathematics subjects, there were also games and handicraft sessions. Over the screen, a group of 44 Tzu Chings, two to one child, had accompanied and helped the young children to learn joyfully.

Lucas Ee:
We work on the worksheet that I still haven’t finish, then my mentors teach me the method to find the answer, and a lot quicker.

Mdm Selvi:
Even though certain questions she didn’t understand, they take their time, with the patience, tried to explain to her. It’s not a small work, it’s not a small help, it’s really great help from them.

I am really enjoyed spending time with you, helping me with my studies, I find it very helpful, thanks for guiding me along, thank you for taking your time to spend time with me.

Schools close doesn’t mean learning stops, the timely online tuition has helped these children to continue with their learning amid the pandemic.

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