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Duration | 1:54

Category | Miscellaneous

Organisation | Tzu-Chi Foundation (Singapore)

Front liners at isolation facility grateful for the care shown by volunteers

The community isolation centre in Tuas has been in operation since May. One week before entering operation, volunteers had arrived at the facility to decorate the space and paste Jing Si Aphorisms on the walls to get the rest area ready for the workers who would be working there. After the facility went into operation, care was provided to the staff of the centre at a safe area for two hours every day. The volunteers had sincerely taken care of everyone at the centre and such kind intention has warmed the front line and staff at the facility.

Volunteers have been taking turn to serve at the community isolation facility in Tuas every day since May to care for the medical workers, administrative staff, cleaners and security personnel at the facility. In order not to disrupt everyone's work, volunteers always prepare herbal tea, replenish fruits and Jing Si snacks and also wash the tableware silently at a corner. Their effort had given these busy personnel a quiet lounge to destress and rest.

Dr Nah Chung Wei
I feel very touched, it is very uplifting.

Dr Lan Koi Teck
It is helpful to us, and it is quite motivating too. Very good, thank you so much.

Tzu Chi Singapore Deputy CEO, Khoo Kean Yee
Do not underestimate these little gestures. When you pass someone a cup of hot tea when it is needed, the feeling is priceless.

Tzu Chi volunteer, Teh Soo Peng
After serving here for all these while, people are able to feel our sincerity.

Tzu Chi volunteer, Uta Dehnert
I think it is a little bit of contribution to those who are working here, who has to go into the red zone, I think this is helpful and supportive to those who do the job.

The Jing Si Aphorisms pasted on the wall can boost people’s morale too.

Dr Wong Ting Yean
“Smile at the mirror for the mirror image to smile back” is well said. There are many people here who are working together, so this is very important.

Project Director MSC in QS, Celine Chia
When anyone feels tired, looking at these (Jing Si Aphorisms) is actually very helpful.

Head of Operation,Mr. Charanjeet
Amazing, it is something which we really need and lend a support to the operations indirectly by providing a soft touch. They really took good care of us to be honest, and I think this is definitely something which we should, from the bottom of our heart, we should appreciate. Thank you very much.

Volunteers are like the power chargers at the facility by looking after everyone's body and mind. Although the service has come to an end in July, the love and care shown by the volunteers will be remembered.

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