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Duration | 2:19

Category | Medicine

Organisation | Tzu-Chi Foundation (Singapore)

Choosing the Right Therapy is Key to Healing a Sick “Kidney”

More than 11,000 people are living with kidney failure or kidney disease in Singapore, which has a population of 5 million, with an average of 5.7 new kidney patients being diagnosed daily. The treatments for renal failure include peritoneal dialysis (water washing), hemodialysis (blood washing), kidney transplantation and conservative treatment (non-dialysis). Under Tzu Chi and Sengkang General Hospital’s home care plan for kidney patients, nursing staff are assigned to visit non-dialysis patients regularly to help control their diet and living habits, thus managing the symptoms of kidney failure and allowing non-dialysis patients to maintain their quality of life.        

Sharifah Hasmimah bte Syed Chee, Kidney Patient : I went for a checkup at Sengkang Hospital. I have a lot of white blood and less red blood, I was shocked.

73-year-old Sharifah lives alone and chose not to undergo kidney dialysis after learning that she had kidney disease. Currently, her health is stable, and she can still hang out with friends or go shopping. All thanks to that someone who gives her good counselling and companionship.

Nurse:Good morning

Sharifah Hasmimah bte Syed Chee, Kidney Patient: I like sardine sambal, but I can't have it, so I don't eat it. Someone is controlling me, so I control myself. When I'm sick, I take care of myself.

It is more reassuring to have a nurse monitoring the condition. Since 2021, Tzu Chi and Sengkang General Hospital have been working together to provide a home care plan for patients with renal failure for three years. Nursing staff are tasked to regularly visit and care for kidney patients who are not on dialysis. 

Dr. The Swee Ping, Nephrologist: Not every patient will be suitable for dialysis. Patients who do not opt for dialysis do not mean that we do not provide any more care to them. Our aim is actually to reduce admissions for this group of patients, reduce emergency department visits, and aim to provide good quality of life for this group of patients.

Esther Koh, Renal Conservative Care Nurse: Take two capsules in the morning, it will help nourish your kidneys, and because you have not had dialysis, taking this medicine will help you excrete it.

Esther Koh, Renal Conservative Care Nurse:Because they didn't go for dialysis, the symptoms would show, all these are meant to provide support.

Oh Kean Hock, Kidney Patient: I can’t eat cabbage, it is not good for me. I can't eat water spinach too.

Taking medicine on time and obediently controlling his diet, 83-year-old Mr Oh also chose not to undergo dialysis. He wants to seize his existing mental and physical strength to continue working and accompanying his wife and family.

Oh Kean Hock, Kidney Patient:  After taking the medicine, I won't feel pain, so I can go to work

There are 5.7 new kidney patients in Singapore every day. Regardless of whether they undergo dialysis or not, they can choose the treatment that suits them and maintain their quality of life. Perhaps this is the common wish of all kidney patients.

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