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Duration | 5:48

Category | Medicine

Organisation | Tzu-Chi Foundation (Singapore)

Donating blood not only saves lives but is beneficial to us too!

Host, Chong Yu Jia: Only less than 2% of Singaporeans are donating blood in a year, which means that this 2% of people are responsible for the entire blood transfusion needs of Singapore. Our blood bank needs more support. I'm going to do my part today. I hope I can succeed!

Host, Chong Yu Jia: I've just completed the health assessment questionnaire. Now I'm waiting to have my haemoglobin tested to see if it's up to standard. Before you donate blood, the medical staff will assess whether you are physically fit to do so. This is to ensure that the blood donation will not affect the health of the donor.

Haemoglobin level requirements: Women >12.5g/dl, Men >13g/dl

Host, Chong Yu Jia: The test result just came back, and my haemoglobin did not meet the standard. So, I can't donate blood this time.

Blood donor, Eugene Tng: (How many times you have donated blood?) This is the 7th or 8th time, I think. (Why do you want to donate blood?) I am doing so to help people.

Blood donor, Pearl Looi: How are you feeling now? So far everything is ok. I feel quite relaxed because there is music, there are many people attending to you. If you have any issues, you can find any of them. (Is the process of blood donation painful?No, it’s quite simple and straight.

Host, Chong Yu Jia: In fact, we can only give 350-450ml of blood each time, that is, one packet of blood. But don't underestimate this packet of blood, it can save three people!

Blood donor, Kwek Jin Tai: (Sister, why are you so emotional?) I'm very moved. I tried if I could donate blood today. I have tried many times in Tzu Chi before, but I was not successful, so I feel happy that I can do it today and help people. (This time you finally made it, sister.)

Donating blood not only helps people but also has indirect benefits to our health. You need to have a healthy body to be able to donate blood. Like the volunteer next to me, he has maintained a good lifestyle for a long time in order to be able to donate blood. Let's ask him how he made it.

Blood donor, Lim Kim Koon: (Brother Kim Koon, may I ask you how your daily routine is like?) I sleep early and get up early for good health. I eat less oil and less salt. I also exercise regularly. I jog at least 10km each day.

Brother Kim Koon started donating blood at the age of 18, and currently, he ranks second in Singapore in terms of the number of times he has donated blood.

Blood donor, Lim Kim Koon: Yes, I automatically donate blood when the time comes just to save more people.

Blood donor, Lim Kim Koon: (But Brother Kim Koon, you are a vegetarian, right?) Yes (I'm also a vegetarian, but why are you able to donate blood, and I can’t?) Because I pay attention to my diet, and I eat food that contains iron.

Host, Chong Yu Jia: So iron supplementation is so important! Let's ask a nutritionist how to obtain iron from food!  

Host, Chong Yu Jia: I am here with a member of TIMA Singapore, who is also a nutritionist. Good day, Sister Chew Har. May I know why we must make sure that our iron (level) meets the requirement when we donate blood?

Dietitian, Tan Chew Sia: Because red blood cells are made up of haemoglobin, and if the haemoglobin is low, it means anaemia. The body needs iron to produce haemoglobin. So we have to make sure our iron is adequate; otherwise, we will become anaemic.

Host, Chong Yu Jia: So that's how it is. If we are vegetarians, what kind of food should we eat to get enough iron?

Dietitian, Tan Chew Sia: For vegetarians, dark green vegetables such as spinach, kale and broccoli are sources of iron. Besides, some nuts and seeds and whole grains, such as brown rice, and whole wheat bread, also have a higher iron content than white bread and white rice. Our body relies on vitamin C to improve its absorption. Try to avoid caffeinated drinks such as coffee and tea within two hours of mealtime because they will prevent the absorption of iron.

Host, Chong Yu Jia: As long as you eat right, we can still donate blood.

Host, Chong Yu Jia: Today's blood donation experience really made me deeply appreciate the fact that being able to give love and help others is a blessing. Go online and book an appointment to donate blood at a blood donation centre near you!

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