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Duration | 1:42

Category | Miscellaneous

Organisation | Tzu-Chi Foundation (Singapore)

English Volunteer Training Course Reaches Out Using Another Language

In Singapore, English is the main medium of communication in many official organisations, workplaces and schools. Tzu Chi Foundation originated from Taiwan and uses Mandarin as its main language for its content. However, this is not an obstacle preventing those who do not know the Mandarin language well enough to join as volunteers. During the Tzu Chi English Volunteer Training Course in Singapore, the English Training Team volunteers translated Mandarin content and shared about Tzu Chi and Buddhism with English-speaking volunteers.

Most of the Tzu Chi World is in Mandarin. Is it possible for those who don't know Mandarin to participate? The English Volunteer Training Course is a great option.

Tzu Chi volunteer, Ferng I Hwa: If we keep focusing only on Mandarin, we may not be able to reach out to the non- Mandarin-speaking community, especially now that young people speak more English than Mandarin. I want to join this class to use more precise language to introduce Tzu Chi.

Tzu Chi volunteer, Lee Beng Hwee: Do you think there is any pressure to speak in English? There is still pressure because all the materials are in Mandarin, and it requires a lot of thinking if you want to share them with the volunteers in English.

With English training classes, non-Chinese people can also get to know Tzu Chi well, like Rajkumar from India.

New volunteer, Rajkumar Manickam: I learn that Tzu Chi does a lot of helping for the country in Singapore not only for the Chinese, Do something for the public. Do your part, they need your love, they need your time

Language differences are not an obstacle to gathering the good thoughts of different communities together, as long as they have the heart to do so.

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