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Duration | 03:04

Category | Charity, People

Organisation | Tzu-Chi Foundation (Singapore)

Kidney Patient Gives Back by Volunteering with Tzu Chi

When Enn Kok Yong, a sports lover, was told by his doctor that he has to undergo kidney dialysis, the thought of ending his own life crossed his mind as he did not want to burden his family. Thanks to the care and support from Tzu Chi volunteers, who visited him regularly, Enn has picked himself up and no longer feels tormented by his illness. He now keeps a positive mindset and has started participating in Tzu Chi’s environmental protection activities, becoming someone who can offer help to others. 

With an agile body, Enn can play basketball just like any youngster. It is hard to tell that he is actually a kidney patient. Two years ago, his life changed dramatically due to his need to undergo dialysis, which made him sink into despair.     

Former Tzu Chi beneficiary, Enn Kok Yong: As the doctor said I have to undergo 3 dialysis treatments per week, it meant that I couldn’t go to work anymore. Everything had to stop. I couldn’t take it anymore when I was undergoing dialysis in the second week. I wanted to end my life. 

At the time when Enn was feeling helpless, Tzu Chi volunteers visited him at his home. It was a life-saving gesture to Enn.

Tzu Chi volunteer, Pua Hui Ching: He had a negative and helpless mindset when we first interacted with him, so we decided to visit him again and not just showed him our care through phone calls. 

Former Tzu Chi beneficiary, Enn Kok Yong: During the volunteers’ first visit, I couldn’t believe that there were people in this world who still cared about me. (Although it was only a visit, they had given me a deep friendship).  

The encouragement from the volunteers motivated Enn to move on. He has not only revived his favourite sports training regime, but also joined the volunteers in recycling work at a Tzu Chi recycling point. He is never absent, even when he feels unwell.

Tzu Chi volunteer, Eddie Lee: He arrives very early and is the last to leave. He is not just here for a short period of time. He always works for the entire 2 hours, so he is really dedicated to the work.

Former Tzu Chi beneficiary, Enn Kok Yong: I feel that I will not be beaten by my illness. I can do anything. I can live even more ordinarily than the ordinary person.

Former Tzu Chi beneficiary, Enn Kok Yong: I wish to live on. I must live on to help others and give back to Tzu Chi.

Enn has emerged from despair and now faces his illness with a positive attitude. He came to a gathering for the beneficiaries of Tzu Chi’s dialysis assistance programme to share his experiences with other kidney patients.

Former Tzu Chi beneficiary, Enn Kok Yong: What I had done in the past and all that I had thought about were just for myself and my family. I feel that I was a bit selfish then. So from now on, I want to serve others for as long as I live.

Tzu Chi volunteer, Pua Hui Ching: I am very happy that he is able to accept our encouragement and care. I didn’t expect that our small gestures of love and care could influence him that much.  

The volunteers’ simple acts of care and kindness have given Enn a new lease of life. Now, he passes the love forward in action.  

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