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Duration | 4:34

Category | People, Miscellaneous

Organisation | Tzu-Chi Foundation (Singapore)

My daughter said that my cooking is very boring. I’m going to prove otherwise!

66-year-old Tzu Chi volunteer Lim Wah Chun was motivated by Master Cheng Yen’s call to promote vegetarianism during the pandemic. Hence, she got involved in the effort and began preparing meatless meals for her neighbours to try, only to be told by her daughter that the food she cooked was very simple and boring. That remark drove her to actively study cooking techniques and make vegetarian dishes using less common or seasonal fruits and vegetables. All for the sake of changing the public perception of vegetarian food.   

She cooks every day! (Not every day) Nothing special. She does it everyday. She made us try ten times (Are you sure ten times?) They are guinea pigs, so they can feedback on the food.

Spending the whole morning in the kitchen with the maid is the daily routine for 66-year-old Lim Wah Chun. On this day, she has to prepare vegetarian lunch for 20 people.

Tzu Chi Volunteer, Lim Wah Chun: Every morning I go shopping for vegetables, they are fresh in the morning. Sometimes the stalls ran out of the vegetables I wanted to buy, so I would see what else they had. Sometimes, I don't know how to cook, so I look it up on the Internet or ask the person who sells it.

I also have a maid to help me wash and cut vegetables. She is also used to my (way of doing things), so we cooperate very well.

These 20 bento lunches are the daily vegetarian lunch Lim Wah Chun has been preparing for one company and a hospital since August 2021.

Medical staff, Alpana: She is exceeding our expectations of the food every time. I always look forward to what she prepares because it’s a new menu every day.

Medical staff, Cheok Poh Gek: Overall, it is balanced in nutrition. The presentation is very colourful, not too salty, and not greasy.

Employee, Toh Min Wei: There are all kinds of fruits and dishes. She also makes Thai, Korean and Japanese meals.

Tzu Chi Volunteer, Lim Wah Chun: Because as vegetarians, every time we hear people say five colours, so I try to mix a combination. They seldom eat such food, and they will enjoy eating.

Tzu Chi Volunteer, Lim Wah Chun: Because I am promoting vegetarianism, I want to give them the impression that vegetarian food is not the unhealthy type sold in the market every day. There are wide varieties that you can create on your own. You can make it more balanced and flavourful.

What motivated her to keep refining her cooking skills was her daughter’s words.

Tzu Chi Volunteer, Lim Wah Chun: My daughter told me, “Your dishes are very boring”. From there, I slowly opened up and explored various cooking methods to suit young people’s palates.

She is very enthusiastic. Once you say it's delicious, she will keep offering you more. (You can say not good) Who would say that? It’s delicious.

Lim Wah Chun’s daughter, Chew Pei Ying: I'm very supportive. I found many recipes for her and told her to try them. I think it's good that she's retired and looking for something meaningful that she likes to do. So, I want to support her.

During the pandemic, besides reading books and studying the dishes from other vegetarian restaurants, Lim Wah Chun would also find inspiration in nature.

Tzu Chi Volunteer, Lim Wah Chun: When I needed inspiration, I would find an open and quiet space. It will give you some ideas. Nothing is impossible. You need to explore new things when you have the time.

Because of the need to take care of her grandson, her year-long project has to be temporarily suspended, but her future plans are already brewing in her mind.

Tzu Chi Volunteer, Lim Wah Chun: Hopefully, one day I will come up with some new ideas that can cater for more people and wider needs.

Tzu Chi Volunteer, Lim Wah Chun: Not easy, it takes a very long time to do it, and you can’t see the results immediately overnight. At least I made the effort to do something meaningful.

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