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Duration | 10:42

Organisation | Tzu-Chi Foundation (Singapore)

Surprise! Shedding 25 kg in 5 months! It originated from these 21 days......

Hitting his tummy when playing ping-pong or requiring two people to pull him up from the bed. The once 110 kg Chee Chen Sin successfully shed 25 kg within five months. What sparked his change?   
Dentist Chee Chen Sin has always had a habit of overeating, with his "fat" image staying with him for almost 20 years, but he never saw it as a big problem. When the Tzu Chi Singapore TIMA team started promoting the "Healthier Me 21-Day Challenge", he was not impressed. It was only when he agreed to participate as a facilitator, then he started realising that he had to experience it to convince others. Today, he is not only thinner, but also healthier.
Be humble and take responsibility for your own health

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