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Duration | 2:29

Category | Education

Organisation | Tzu-Chi Foundation (Singapore)

What a surprise! My child actually washed my feet for me!

In this month of May, a time brimming with the celebration of parental love, Tzu Chi Great Love Preschools in Yishun, Toa Payoh, and Sengkang not only incorporated filial piety into their curriculum but also engaged the students in preparing for the Parents Appreciation Day. During this event, children learned about filial piety and gratitude from a young age through activities such as serving tea and washing their parents' feet. For many parents in Sengkang, it was their first time participating in such a parent-child bonding activity. They were both surprised and touched to see their children, who were usually mischievous at home, mature in an instant!

Every step taken carefully, the children were very serious. Every segment of the Parents Appreciation Day was specially prepared for parents by the teachers and students of Tzu Chi Great Love Preschool.

Senior Centre Leader Ms Win Moh Moh Han: We can see that they take it seriously. They want to show that they can do it, because we told them “you could do it, you have to show it to mommy and daddy, mommy and daddy will be very proud of you”.

Parent: Seems to know what he's doing.

Student:Is it difficult to wash Daddy's feet?) Not at all.

Parent: Too emotional to me for the service, very good!

Parent War War Lwin Tun: I'm also surprised that there's the same tradition. Because I'm a Burmese and our tradition also says that our children's heaven is at the feet of their moms and dads, and they always get the blessing from the parents.

Surprises came one after another, especially at the Sengkang Branch, where most of the parents participated in the event for the first time. Watching their children, who are held dear in their hearts, grow up in an instant.

Teacher: Kneel down, and wish Mom and Dad wishes come true.

Parent Yasasi Rodrigo: Actually this is good for our children to improve parent and child bonding

Parent Lee Yao Qing: I didn't expect there would be a tea ceremony and a foot bathing ceremony. It's so satisfying to watch them grow up like this.

Preschool student  Hong Wan Zhen: Mom and Dad would help me shower and pat me to sleep (So what should you say to them?) Thank you. Mommy and daddy, I love you

Parent Ng Yi Zhen: Filial piety comes first, and I hope he learns from an early age.

Senior Centre Leader Ms Win Moh Moh Han: We tell the children why we are celebrating this event. Instilling filial piety in the children is very important, no matter what age they are at.

Filial piety and gratitude must be cultivated from an early age. The children may have been a bit frazzled during the activity, but what the parents saw was, “My child has grown up!” 

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